
viva la JERICA ! !

better do what you can.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hey people
For all of you still reading this blog ,
Just to let you know that I don't use this. BLog anymore.
So yeah.for a simple reason, that's cuz somethigs wring with blogger..
Like come on, ulu can't upload photos and stuff which is frustrating.
I know some of you may disagree, and say that there's nothing wrong
Well that's for you.. :D
I sugesst you guys switch to onsugar.. :DD
Its simple and totally awesome!!

Alright I'm done...
Goodbye & goodnight

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lavainya hasnt sent me the photos so i cant update!!!!
soorrrry readers!
can uhm wait a litle longer?
i heard she was gnna send it to me tonight. i hope so!
anyways ndp was fun!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

EEEK! today is advance celebration for daddys bday.

Jiewei! who who who?!
RUDY tell me who!!
ATIQAH haha, yeah ofcuz! so where u goin tomm?
JACK! ask me another day, maybe ill tell you!

tomorrow gonna go out with friends (:
yay! maybe with rizudin and lavainya and more more more
idk where though?.. ):
but oh well!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Readers, I think you guys took some time to read my post! aha
cool !
anyways, thank you for the response
LIKE FINALLY! there are people tagging :D
anyone has got any idea who is ''a friend''!??
cuz I wanna know! ):

My head is killing me, and im having my dinner now 6:55pm
and off to study up for mathematics .

Today Pe was dreadful, Soo Not Fun!
Joshua was my seating partner today, talked and listened a lot!
he needs help, and i helped!

Jack! I know something!! but i wont tell you! ^^
Lin Yong,I tink so too that A friend is weird
Currently msn-ing with Erwinna, a super long lost friend, whom i love talking to
when I was in the same primary skul with her.

Well, this past few days nth much, tuesday the usual..monday and wednesday totally usual.
nothing new

ok, now watching spongebob too..


Hello, my name is JERICA
A 15 years old girl yet living in the sg.

Welcome to my world of ramblings as well as my daily life journal. I'm I love PINK, computer and especially photography. I hate insects, spiders and moar.

So here you will find post about my daily life, photography, random ramblings and moar.



Blog affiliates
agnes amirul amirulsec2 celine cherlele christine esther faris iqahk jafred jinghui joshua kathryn kavita lemuel linyong masturina robin ruhayu shaharudy sharvin shemuel rizudin sheena L. zali
vivalajerica.blogsot.com Apply


MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

My history

March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009

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Contact me: JERICA

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